02392 831925

1A Kirkstall Road, The Garages, Southsea, Portsmouth PO4 0SX

Educational Facilities


These are two new build pre-school buildings that were within the curtilage of existing schools.

The client had obtained leases from Hampshire County Council (HCC) to build and operate pre-schools within the grounds of the existing schools.  Following tender and a lengthy assessment process by the clients external project support practice C T McCann Contractors were selected to construct the new facilities.

The build of  both units and the access to these was to be on land that was used as existing school playing grounds. Due to these complexities the attention to the planning and procedure prior to commencement needed to be given very high importance.

The additional care and conduct extended to the preliminaries to the contract and these involved meetings with HCC, the client and the school representatives.

We were able to display a full and comprehensive knowledge of  the  CDM and the Health & Safety regulations and requirements  so that we could ensure all parties were satisfied with and in receipt of the necessary Risk Assessment and Method Statement  produced by us.

The units were designed to provide much needed Pre-School facilities in the County and included two classrooms with toilet facilities, separate staff rooms and kitchen areas as well as external play ares.

We were able to hand over the completed buildings to the highest standards to the client on time and earlier than the contract date.

The buildings were officially opened by Councillor Peter Edgar who is an Executive Member for Education at Hampshire County Council.